Is Self-Improvement Different For Women Than Men?

Is Self-Improvement Different For Women Than Men?   1 comment

This article is the starting point for self-Improvement. Is Self-Improvement different because of your sex?  Self-improve has become mainstream conversation in recent years, it seems to be showing up in articles almost everywhere. Almost everyone should work on their self-confidence, happiness, career, finances, relationships, home and health. Wherever you may be, whatever your situation, you should work on self-improvement.Get ready to change your life! Set up a program and start working on it.  You can reach your full potential and create the success you deserve. There is no quick fix; the road to change is not an easy one. For this to work you must commit to and dedicated yourself to bring new changes of improvement into your life.  I suggest you take it one step at a time, the greater the commitment the longer the journey.Ask yourself is self-improvement any different for women than for men?  My answer is yes and no.  However both male and females differ physically and the fact is that a woman does have circumstances that are different from those of the man, when it comes to self-improvements they are basically the same.

Have you ever though that some men and women are born leaders?  The answer to that is no, being positive and staying positive is a choice for both men and women. One must stay positive if we are to improve ourselves. Building self-esteem and drawing lines for self-improvement is a choice, not a rule. Leaders and positive thinkers are not born they are made out of the desire for self-improve. If you want to be a leader you have to develop a burning desire for self-improvement and stay with it.

Your changes must come from inside. Your work won’t improve unless you improve regardless what your sex may be. Your relationships won’t improve unless you improve. Society won’t change unless the people in it change, meaning you. You are the only person you can change. While self-improvement is not contagious, a change in you can influence a change in others.

Now it is time for you to start putting the puzzle together for self-improvement?  First be positive. Second be contented and most of all stay happy. Don’t forget to be appreciative.  Never overlook the opportunity to compliment someone.

A positive way of life will help you build a higher self-esteem, let this be your starting point for self-improvement. Turn loose your resistance, don’t procrastinate.  Find your internal motivation then move forward toward with your self-improvement. Discover your inner self and explore your own personal powers.


This article is the starting point for self-Improvement. Is Self-Improvement different because of your sex?  Self-improve has become mainstream conversation in recent years, it seems to be showing up in articles almost everywhere. Almost everyone should work on their self-confidence, happiness, career, finances, relationships, home and health. Wherever you may be, whatever your situation, you should work on self-improvement.

Get ready to change your life! Set up a program and start working on it.  You can reach your full potential and create the success you deserve. There is no quick fix; the road to change is not an easy one. For this to work you must commit to and dedicated yourself to bring new changes of improvement into your life.  I suggest you take it one step at a time, the greater the commitment the longer the journey.

Ask yourself is self-improvement any different for women than for men?  My…

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Why Smiling makes us More Successful!

First: Our smile shows others people that we are friendly.
If a stranger approached you and gained eye contact with you and then treated you to a broad smile you will have a fairly good idea that they are being friendly and certainly mean you no harm.
By contrast we would find it far more difficult to offer trust to the stranger that wears a scowl or unfriendly face features.Second: A smile can make people happy.
When someone treats you to a smile, even a stranger, you usually smile back.  For that moment you enjoy a flash of positive communication without saying a word. As you walk through a crowed area such as a main street you can do this hundreds times in a very short period of time.
When you smile at someone who is not already smiling and they smile back you have brought a moment of happiness into their lives which, who knows, could last all day.Third: Smiling is infectious.
When you spend a lot in the company of someone who smiles a lot you will soon discover that their smile starts to wear off on you.  It is hard not to return a smile; most of us do it at a subliminal level without thinking.Fourth: Smiling can make you popular.
Which type of people do you prefer? A person that has a tired and listless face. An expression that may reflect their inner thoughts of boredom and worry? Or, would you prefer someone who is always smiling and shows that they have an enthusiastic passion for life.
I think for the majority of us the choice would be obvious!Fifth: Smiling can help you to make new friends
In the same way few of us would choice a miserable person for a friend. Lets face it we all want someone who is going to be bubbly and a happy and positive.

Sixth: A smile is usually returned
When someone smiles back at you it make you feel good inside. You have just made a short but very positive communication and possibly the first step in the process of getting to know or making friends with someone new.

Seventh: Smiling makes you positive and happy inside.
When you smile it is hard to feel unhappy, negative or sad in anyway. Smiling gives you enthusiasm and drive, it is also habit forming.

Eight: A smile makes you look far more attractive.
You don’t see many celebrities or media personalities that are not smiling because if you did it is fairly certain that their popularity would quickly start to drop!

Ninth: Smiling also helps make you memorable to others!
Have you noticed that smiling people are usually far more memorable than those that are not? It is fact that you are 3 time more likely to remember the person that is smiling over the one that is wearing a negative or neutral features.

Tenth: Most importantly, smiling is good for your health!!!
When you are smiling you find whatever you are doing far easier. It releases stress, worry and tension that you may have built up throughout the day. Long term, developing the smiling habit will be one of the smartest things that you can do to improve most aspects of your life.

Eleventh: The effects of smiling can last for hours
Whatever problems and challenges you have in your life, smiling temporary puts them and hold.  For a while you forget the problems and become positive, and while you are in a positive state you have far more potential and power to advance and improve your life.

Lastly: Smiling is FREE!
You are never going to run short of smiles and will always have enough to go around.  When you weigh up the positive points of smiling it is a no brainer decision to do far more smiling and share them with as many people as possible.
Keep smiling.

How To Achieve Your Goals For Success Step By Step

You have a dream!  Now, how do you make it happen?First, imagine that it is real.  See every detail so clearly that you can reach out and touch it.  You can feel the emotions of being there.  For example, if you want a certain car, then what kind is it?  What color is it?  Imagine you are sitting in it like you will when it is brand new.  How does it feel?  How does it smell?  Go for a drive in your car.  If it’s a convertible, drive with the top down! Experience the wind blowing in your face and through your hair. Hear the sounds around you. If you can take a real test drive in one, do that!  Get a picture and post it where you will see it each day. Do this visualization several times a day until it becomes part of you.  This action is important because your subconscious will help enable you to reach your goals to achieve your dream.Next, break the big dream down into specific, measurable goals to get you there.  If you are dreaming of something that costs a certain amount of money, like the car, you will set a date on when you want to have this money.Once you have your date, then break your timeline down into segments. Perhaps you set the date one year from today.  So the next step is to break that down into a goal for each month, then a goal for each week, then a goal for each day.  It may be easier to start with the days, and then multiply out to the weeks and months.

Now that you know what your specific timeline is, you need to determine the specific actions you can take to reach each specific goal.  If it is a money goal, like in the example above, you know how much money you need to put away each day.  So now you need to figure out what actions you need to take each day in order to be able to do that.

If your goal is accomplishing a project, your timeline will be broken down into different steps you need to finish in order to get the whole project done.  For example, if you are writing a book, you may need to do some research before you can write it.  So the first major accomplishment on your way to that goal is to complete the research.  Then you need to set a time to complete your basic outline.  Then a time to complete each chapter.  Then a time for editing.  You can break each major step down into little steps that must be done each day in order to complete the entire book by your target date.

Now that you see what you will need to do each day in order to achieve your big goal, ask yourself if each day’s task is reasonable.  Be truthful.  If you know you can do what is required each day, then you have your plan.  If it will be very difficult to meet each day’s requirement, then extend your timeline until you have something you know you can do every day. This way, you are setting yourself up for sure success!

It’s just like the ancient philosopher said:  “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”  No matter how big your dream is, if you break it down into baby steps that you can do each day, you will find your journey to success filled with the joy of achieving many goals.
Reaching your smaller goals will, indeed, assure you that you are on your way to reaching your dream!  You will gain the confidence you need to continue and receive the desire you need to do whatever actions are required each day!

Celebrate achieving even the little goals, and enjoy your journey to your certain success!

Consistance A Key To Success!

Consistency seems to be a boring idea at first sight. It lacks glamour and excitement. But, when you look more closely, consistency is anything but boring. It contains the secret of achievement and success. It is the key to an almost magical power than can transform lives.Consistency means repeating the same behaviors regularly and without exceptions.  Consistent behavior is the opposite of erratic behavior. Skipping workouts is an example of erratic behavior. Performing all or most of your workouts is an example of consistency.
Consistency creates powerful habits; lack of consistency and exceptions mean that you have to start building the habits all over again.Consistency allows the seeds to grow and the fruit to arrive. Regular, patient, consistent action is necessary to achieve good results.  Even winning the lottery requires buying a ticket and entering the numbers.

A man who won the lottery is quoted as saying,he played the same numbers consistently for over two years. He didn’t play it once or twice and give up as so may people do, he kept playing it.
He steadfastly believed that his dream of winning the lottery would be realized. Consistency, then, may occasionally work even in the notoriously risky world of gambling.

Ezines, blogs and podcasts often only last for one or two issues and then they disappear. Either their creators ran out of material or foolishly expected success after one or two efforts and gave up when the results of their efforts were disappointing.

Most marketing gurus insist that sales only come after about seven  email messages have been sent to a list of potential customers.

Many would be entrepreneurs lack the patience and consistency to send out even seven messages to their lists. They are unlikely to succeed in winning the trust of their customers.

Nearly any goal worth achieving demands regular and consistent efforts. If you want to achieve a black belt in a martial art, you need to show up to one training session after another whether you feel like it or not.

Greatness only comes when efforts are consistent. Champion teams win championships not because they win every match but because they consistently play well and with determination and, as a result, win most of their matches.

An individual loses weight because they stick consistently to their diet and to their exercise regime. A body builder adds muscle weight because he consistently attends the gym whether he feels like it or not. The champions do not give up when they feel tired or bored or when results seem painfully slow.

Daily efforts create habits and habits make it easier to make those daily efforts but it still takes hard work and the determination to follow through every single day no matter what.

To achieve your goals repeat your efforts every single day. Turn up in the gym or wherever you need to. Repeat the desired or planned behavior daily and with as few exceptions as possible and you will make gradual but certain progress and eventually achieve your loftiest goals and dreams.
Even if you don’t achieve all your goals and dreams, you will have at least become a great character and a person of value because you did what you planned to do on a daily basis. That, at least, is a goal worth achieving.

Successful People Do This And So Can You!

Did you know that by applying a simple strategy you can become successful beyond your imagination?Success is not dedicated for a certain category of lucky talented people and hence anyone can become similar to those success gurus.
Success doesn’t depend on your environment, circumstances, level of education, financial situation,…etc.All successful people faced a lot of negative circumstances and failures before they achieve what they want. They were poor, with little or no education, and were brought up under tough circumstances.

But they all followed the same strategy, to change their circumstances and reach their dreams.
You must follow this simple strategy, if you want to achieve your goals and become successful.

Here is the ultimate success strategy:
Apply the Principles of Success… Simple, right?
Always remember: “The true power lies under the real simplicity”.
This powerful strategy guarantees your success because principles are the same and always work.
Success principles are the same no matter where you live or when you live.
Success principles always work because they are proven facts used by all successful people to achieve their goals.

Success leaves clues. And these clues are timeless success principles.
Principles will work for you as well but this depends on a single condition.
This condition is: “Principles always work if you work the principles”
You must apply these principles and put them in action.
Action makes all the difference.

Successful people believe in principles and so they persist until they see the results.
Apply success principles and they will always work. Since they worked with all who applied them, they will work with you too.
But remember you must work the principles yourself. Don’t wait for somebody else to apply the principles for you.You must apply the principles by yourself. Don’t wait for somebody to give you permission to become successful.

Analyze your situation and see how this principle can work for you. Do it yourself.
You must lead your life and never surrender. Keep practicing the principle until it works.

It takes time to master success principles. Like when you start driving your car, it took time to be a good driver.You need to practice until you get positive results. And here comes the benefit of having a mentor in your life. He can guide you through your journey and support you in every step. And, he can teach you these principles and how to master them.

Read success books and you will gain life time experience from the expert authors.
Attend success and personal development seminars and courses to get close to success mentors and learn from their experience. Success Principles always work if you work them. Keep practicing the principles until you master them.

You too can become successful with the same principles used by all successful people in the world.
Start living the life of your dreams. My friend you can make a difference. I believe in you.

What Millionaire Business People Have in Common

What Millionaire Business People Have in Common: FROM TOM GUNTER’S BILLBOARDS 101 -“THINK AND GROW RICH” Forbes magazine recently reported that there were 691 billionaires in the world….

Anger Management and Dementia.

The truth about anger management and dementia. Simple steps to a calmer less stressful life This article talks about helping people with dementia conquer anger and improve self esteem. Whether you have problems controlling anger or know someone close to you that does then this article is sure to be of interest to you.

Older people sometimes develop dementia, a somewhat common condition that results in mental and emotional confusion. Some of these people, often those who are institutionalized, display anger outbursts due to relatively mild provocations, such as an unwanted meal item. At other times the anger is warranted, as when another resident initiates a conflict. For reasons like these and others, anger management therapy for dementia patients is becoming increasingly important.

Symptoms That May Warrant Anger Management Therapy

It may be difficult to determine at first who is eligible for anger management therapy. Residents with dementia who live at home or in nursing facilities often try to express themselves in non-traditional ways. While someone who wants their breakfast oatmeal served hotter can just say so, someone with dementia might be able to just make anxious sounds, pace, or even throw the oatmeal on the floor. If someone in your care exhibits dissatisfaction with some aspect of daily care, try to figure out what is bothering the person, and make any needed adjustments that you can.

Dementia patients may raise their voice, swing their arms, push, shove, or yank at things or people to convey their irritation. Caregivers must learn to decipher true anger from confusion or self-defense against other aggressive residents. Anger management therapy should be considered for those who express real anger inappropriately.

Some dementia residents may withdraw socially, stop talking to others, or gesticulate excitedly when they are upset. Sometimes these actions are in response to legitimate concerns, while at other times they may reflect unsuitable anger that needs to be redirected. If the person is able to understand and respond to caregivers in appropriate ways, he or she may be eligible for anger management therapy.

Anger Management Therapy for Dementia Patients

Any anger management therapy facilitator or coordinator who works with dementia residents will need to understand the way that those with dementia communicate, and the types of triggers that can draw their anger. This may require some training in long-term facility care, gerontology, and dementia behaviours. The therapist may attempt group or individual therapy, depending on the patient’s needs and abilities.

In anger management therapy, the coordinator may try to make the resident understand the consequences of anger outbursts, or attempt to teach the resident how to redirect anger in acceptable ways. At times, the therapist might want to work with the resident’s physician, social worker, and family to achieve the best results. This type of effort could take a long time and may be only partially successful yet, any progress is undoubtedly helpful.

Family members and caregivers who want to know more can visit websites like for more complete information on how to address this key social and interpersonal behavior. They also can get in touch with the doctor, nursing staff, and social worker for help in assisting a dementia patient through anger management therapy that may lead to improved outcomes for the resident and those that provide his or her care and support.


In this featured article we’ll teach you how to emotionally de-clutter your life and magnetically pull the things you want closer to you.

1) Accept The Problem.

You have to be at peace with a problem, while it is in existence, for the solution to come to you. You have to accept yourself where you are, no matter what – you cannot solve any problem without first accepting it, and yourself. We spend so much of our time trying to deny what has happened or deny a part of ourselves, pushing it away, which only leads to more of the problem appearing in your life. Very often simply fully accepting the part of you that is creating the problem will be enough to have it disappear, as it is so used to being pushed away/rejected. Part of you is trying to send you a message; maybe it’s time you listened.

2) You Can Not Attract To You, That To hic You Are Not Already Co

One of the fastest ways to attract what you want towards you is learning to appreciate the good in whatever situation it is life is presenting you with. Being an appreciator is so important because it is the closest energetic vibrational match to source and therefore the creation of what it is that you want. Therefore the more you operate at that frequency, the closer to source you are, and the faster things will manifest for you in the physical world. It is not important to verbalize your appreciation but simply to offer it.

Appreciation is the antidote to some of the lowest forms of energy and emotions we are capable of e.g. shame, resentment, etc. By offering thanks and assuming that you already have what you seek, you immediately begin to attract more of it towards you, whether you have any of it or not.

3) Happiness Is Not Pleasure.

The experience of pleasure is a right now, in-the-moment, sensory-rich, and sights, sounds, and feelings experience in your person. Happiness is your meta-experience when thinking about something that brings you such pleasure. Happiness cannot be experienced by the senses directly, only pleasure can. Focus your life on having more now-moment pleasure experiences, rather than accumulating reasons or things to be happy about.

4) Stay Connected To The Source.

Find your own personal way to stay connected to your higher consciousness (the feeling you). For many this is meditation, music, song, etc. Why are we so attracted to parks? Water? Nature? Wildlife and Animals? We have awareness on some level that we are part of a much greater collected consciousness, something else, something higher than us. Some people may be partially disconnected from it, but you can never fully disconnect from it. Notice that the word emotion is e + motion. Notice that the concepts are so connected even on a linguistic level.

Did you know that elephants are one of the very few creatures other than humans who cry tears of emotion? And when was the last time you saw an elephant running? They have adapted or have been given an ability to release emotions from tears in the same way humans do. People are attracted to source because we recognize that’s where we want to be, we want to have those feelings, we want to experience that energy, because the energy, just by being in its presence, makes us feel better about ourselves.

5) Live In The Moment.

We only have access to our full personal power in the present moment. This is practicing the art; it’s a habit to be developed, a life-skill. The extent, to which you are connecting, on some unconscious level, either into the past or into the future, is the extent to which you rob yourself

of your present power. You are not going to be experiencing what it is that you want; therefore you are moving your emotional point of attraction, into negative territory. Being in the present moment is the only way you can make an emotional connection to what it is that you want, and therefore begin the process of it becoming attracted to you in future present moments. This type of emotional alignment cannot be achieved when your thoughts are in the future or past. “But how much do I need to be in the present moment? I have all this stuff to do…..” You must be in the present moment enough to have enough fully-loaded, pleasurable, positive full body feelings, about what you want to attract in your life, in order to begin the process of its automatic attraction to you. Living with your thoughts at a future or past moment in time, is entirely redundant in the process of being free of stress, and attracting what you want into your life.

6) You Can Never Be Enough To.

You can never be sorry enough to change this problem situation. It is only when you love yourself that you have that love to radiate to others. It is only when you are allowing the abundance to flow to you, that you then have the ability to gift it to others. Giving your energy – in any form – to others, whether it is love, forgiveness, agreement, or any energy, when your cup is not already brimming over, is the fastest route to the emotional poorhouse. If you want to help others, you must first help yourself. Others easily see through empty gestures, compliments, or favors; and, such gestures only hide you from your own emotional impoverishment/malnutrition. They are not useful, and serve no purpose in enhancing your life or others.

7) Be Selfish Enough To Line Up With Your Intentions.

This is important because it is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer others. If your own energy tank is not full, you have no business looking after the tanks of others. It is important to limit your own responsibilities to prevent emotions like lack of self-worth etc. Remain present and in attendance to your own needs first and you will always give others your best, automatically.

8) You Are Not Your Accomplishment

Understand that you are not your accomplishments, what you do, what you don’t do, your beliefs, your ideas, your stuff or possessions, those are nothing to do with who you really are, they are the baggage you have picked up along the way, they are nothing to do with the spiritual

lf you want to feel good; and stay connected to Peace, lose your ego, and take this attitude of freedom with you in your everyday life.

9) The Journey Is The Destination.

Many times our internal dialogue says “If only I had x, then I would be happy, or, “I’ll be happy when I’ve got…” As you go into the world and experience the contrast of your likes vs your dislikes, through your everyday experiences, a new you is born. Then comes the striving (and usually struggle) in the journey towards its manifestation, which contains all the stresses and strains you wish to rid yourself of. Understand this, you’ll never get it done because the journey itself towards your wants shows you new elements of contrast, new possibilities, new likes and dislikes that change and alter your path. Thus your job here is not to get caught up in the end

result but to ensure you enjoy the journey along the way, regardless of your goal, and ensure that your everyday journey contains all the same underlying experiences, emotions, and full-body feelings that you seek from your end goal, anyway the journey is the destination. So enjoy it.

Bringing It All Together

So how do we overcome the various stress blocks to pull greater peace and abundance towards us? EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is one way to release the emotional blocks of shoulds, musts, ought-tos, anger, fear, resentment, and so on. Once the biggest unconscious blocks have been resolved, your intentions, ambitions, passion will feel that much more free to move towards you, automatically and effortlessly. Circumstances and people appear in your life from nowhere and events begin aligning themselves, as the universe conspires with you, to realize your passion.


In this featured article we’ll teach you how to emotionally de-clutter your life and magnetically pull the things you want closer to you.
1) Accept The Problem. You have to be at peace with a problem, while it is in existence, for the solution to come to you. You have to accept yourself where you are, no matter what – you cannot solve any problem without first accepting it, and yourself. We spend so much of our time trying to deny what has happened or deny a part of ourselves, pushing it away, which only leads to more of the problem appearing in your life. Very often simply fully accepting the part of you that is creating the problem will be enough to have it disappear, as it is so used to being pushed away/rejected. Part of you is trying to send you a message; maybe it’s time you listened.
2) You Can Not Attract To You, That To Which You Are Not Already Connected, So Be An Appreciator. One of the fastest ways to attract what you want towards you is learning to appreciate the good in whatever situation it is life is presenting you with. Being an appreciator is so important because it is the closest energetic vibrational match to source and therefore the creation of what it is that you want. Therefore the more you operate at that frequency, the closer to source you are, and the faster things will manifest for you in the physical world. It is not important to verbalize your appreciation but simply to offer it. Appreciation is the antidote to some of the lowest forms of energy and emotions we are capable of e.g. shame, resentment, etc. By offering thanks and assuming that you already have what you seek, you immediately begin to attract more of it towards you, whether you have any of it or not.
3) Happiness Is Not Pleasure.The experience of pleasure is a right now, in-the-moment, sensory-rich, and sights, sounds, and feelings experience in your person. Happiness is your meta-experience when thinking about something that brings you such pleasure. Happiness cannot be experienced by the senses directly, only pleasure can. Focus your life on having more now-moment pleasure experiences, rather than accumulating reasons or things to be happy about.
4) Stay Connected To The Source. Find your own personal way to stay connected to your higher consciousness (the feeling you). For many this is meditation, music, song, etc. Why are we so attracted to parks? water? nature? wildlife and animals? We have awareness on some level that we are part of a much greater collected consciousness, something else, something higher than us. Some people may be partially disconnected from it, but you can never fully disconnect from it. Notice that the word emotion is e + motion. Notice that the concepts are so connected even on a linguistic level. Did you know that elephants are one of the very few creatures other than humans who cry tears of emotion? And when was the last time you saw an elephant running? They have adapted or have been given an ability to release emotions from tears in the same way humans do. People are attracted to source because we recognize that’s where we want to be, we want to have those feelings, we want to experience that energy, because the energy, just by being in its presence, makes us feel better about ourselves.
5) Live In The Moment. We only have access to our full personal power in the present moment. This is practicing the art; it’s a habit to be developed, a life-skill. The extent, to which you are connecting, on some unconscious level, either into the past or into the future, is the extent to which you rob yourself of your present power. You are not going to be experiencing what it is that you want; therefore you are moving your emotional point of attraction, into negative territory. Being in the present moment is the only way you can make an emotional connection to what it is that you want, and therefore begin the process of it becoming attracted to you in future present moments. This type of emotional alignment cannot be achieved when your thoughts are in the future or past. “But how much do I need to be in the present moment? I have all this stuff to do…..” You must be in the present moment enough to have enough fully-loaded, pleasurable, positive full body feelings, about what you want to attract in your life, in order to begin the process of its automatic attraction to you. Living with your thoughts at a future or past moment in time, is entirely redundant in the process of being free of stress, and attracting what you want into your life.
6) You Can Never Be Enough To. You can never be sorry enough to change this problem situation. It is only when you love yourself that you have that love to radiate to others. It is only when you are allowing the abundance to flow to you, that you then have the ability to gift it to others. Giving your energy – in any form – to others, whether it is love, forgiveness, agreement, or any energy, when your cup is not already brimming over, is the fastest route to the emotional poorhouse. If you want to help others, you must first help yourself. Others easily see through empty gestures, compliments, or favors; and, such gestures only hide you from your own emotional impoverishment/malnutrition. They are not useful, and serve no purpose in enhancing your life or others’.
7) Be Selfish Enough To Line Up With Your Intentions. This is important because it is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer others. If your own energy tank is not full, you have no business looking after the tanks of others. It is important to limit your own responsibilities to prevent emotions like lack of self-worth etc. Remain present and in attendance to your own needs first and you will always give others your best, automatically.
8) You Are Not Your Accomplishments. Understand that you are not your accomplishments, what you do, what you don’t do, your beliefs, your ideas, your stuff or possessions, those are nothing to do with who you really are, they are the baggage you have picked up along the way, they are nothing to do with the spiritual you who wants to feel good; and stay connected to Peace. Lose your ego, and take this attitude of freedom with you in your everyday life.
9) The Journey Is The Destination. Many times our internal dialogue says “If only I had x, then I would be happy, or, “I’ll be happy when I’ve got…” As you go into the world and experience the contrast of your likes .vs. your dislikes, through your everyday experiences, so a new want is born. Then comes the striving (and usually struggle) in the journey towards its manifestation, which contains all the stresses and strains you wish to rid yourself of. Understand this: you’ll never get it done. Because the journey itself towards your wants shows you new elements of contrast, new possibilities, new likes and dislikes, etc that change and alter your path. Thus your job here is not to get caught up in the end result but to ensure you enjoy the journey along the way, regardless of your goal, and ensure that your everyday journey contains all the same underlying experiences, emotions, and full-body feelings that you seek from your end goal, anyway. The journey is the destination. So enjoy it.
Bringing It All Together
So how do we overcome the various stress blocks to pull greater peace and abundance towards us? EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is one way to release the emotional blocks of shoulds, musts, ought-tos, anger, fear, resentment, and so on. Once the biggest unconscious blocks have been resolved, your intentions, ambitions, passion will feel that much free-er to move towards you, automatically and effortlessly. Circumstances and people appear in your life from nowhere and events begin aligning themselves, as the universe conspires with you, to realize your passion.